Back 4 Blood has released its first DLC named Tunnel of Terrors that adds ridden hives to existing stages.
There are a total of 7 different Hive stages and they are categorized into two groups. One group and a solo stage.
The Ridden Hive entrance is a random selection of six stages: 300 Below, Blood stream, Brood lair, Caustic cesspool, Sunken Passages and the Cut.
Each of these levels have multiple exits back up to the surface and then you can continue the run as normal. But there is one way down to the inner layer of the hive and this stage is always the Nursery where your goal is just to escape to the surface.
Entering a Ridden Hive has multiple benefits, from more copper and the only way to obtain legendary weapons, it is also the location where you can find the new currency that allows you to buy the new DLC cosmetics. And for those achievement hunters, all of the new achievements added with the DLC are down there.
The hardest one to get is finding every new stage and clearing it since the stages are randomized upon entering (except for the nursery).
If you want this achievement as soon as possible I suggest doing the following.
Start a new run and select Act 1 Stage 1 Resurgence. Make sure Ridden Hives are enabled.
I recommend buying firecrackers and a toolkit. The toolkit for the drawbridge since it will not trigger a horde this way and firecrackers just in case there are a lot of ridden.
Make your way through the stage and at the end of the stage there are three locations where a Ridden hive can spawn (there is a chance it will not spawn in this case just reset the level).
The first location is right when you climb down the ladder and jump out of the window. It will be on your left behind a container.
The other two are right below the safe house and one is directly below it.
And the final one is to the left of the previous one.
Have you completed all the Ridden Hives? Let me know in the comments.
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